Tuesday 18 June 2013

Guest Post - Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Good evening. Here is this week's Bread Talk!
In this passage, the writer speaks of a concept that is in so many ways a prized commodity these days, especially in our work of student to student relationships, counsellor to client, social work practitioner to practitioner, peer-to-peer relationships and at times even between lovers and friends; the word ‘trust’.
It is easy to look upon our own experiences where we may have been compromised when trusting someone. Or in some cases, we may have compromised someone’s trust. In some cases, well meaning intentions, at times giving rise to unintended results!
However, Solomon is directing us in those moments to place our trust in the Lord. To an extent not worry by trusting in our own understanding, ie our own intelligence or even lack of it... Trusting that His ways are far better than our ways;  trusting in the Lord’s promises that only someone like Jesus could keep.
Trusting that our submission to His voice is paramount as it is written in Psalm 29; and trusting that the people that are at times placed here with us are people we could and should trust, that’s the path we should take. There is no other way.
So today, if God is telling you to trust in someone, do it!
If today, God is asking you to lean not on your own understanding, do it!
If today, He is asking you to submit to Him, do it!
And, He will make your paths straight….

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