Tuesday 28 May 2013

Guest Post - Trinity Sunday

Hi All,

I'm back from a short hiatus. Have been a bust busy bee over the past week with children falling ill, getting injured and of course interrupted by a major holiday and long weekend in Singapore. I thought it would be appropriate in the season of Pentecost to have a Guest Post on Trinity Sunday. So here goes.....( sorry I'm a day late in posting )

Bread Talk 27 May2013
Yesterday we celebrated Trinity Sunday – the Sunday just after Pentecost to recognize the Godhead three-in-one, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. It is a mystery yet one which is clear that it is one God we serve in essence but in 3 distinct persons.
In Genesis 1, it states that, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. When the earth was formless, the Spirit of God was moving upon the face of the waters. In John 1, it states that in the beginning, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word as we would come to know is Jesus! The mystery of the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit began even before all else began…
What a wonderful story to share with people and friends! That we have one God but 3 persons with distinct personalities. 3 different ways they have touched mankind and changed their stories…
Eg, when we go on a holiday do we usually go to a city or do we go to a place where we can see nature….When we see nature, do we say wow what a majestic mountain, what a beautiful sea shore and its great waves….OR do we look at a building at say wow what a wonderful building, or a beautiful lamp post or a traffic light….(ok architecture students are an  exception!). When we see God in nature, we are touched by the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth….he made these things for us!
Do we have similar stories to share on how the Holy Spirit or Jesus has touched our lives in the past? Can we take those stories and touch the lives of others today….especially those who we work with, talk with, meet with on a regular basis….Lets try!!!

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