Monday 29 April 2013

How was your weekend?

Morning All. Hope the weekend was good. It was a hectic one for us, but it was well spent with the children.

Needed to get an adjustment so off we went to see Dr Richard Kissun at on Saturday afternoon. Mind you, this was after the visit to the dentist and music class in the better part of the morning (with the kids, of course). So that was was 2 KPIs met and off to meet the 3rd one for the day. I had not been sleeping well, waking up with a stiff neck and shoulder aches and just needed the doc to recommend a proper pillow. Came home with the TEMPUR® Millennium Pillow . And boy was I glad I purchased it!!!! Went home and took a short afternoon nap and Guess what? I slept longer than my baby...woke up dreaming of yummy doughnuts! It has been 2 days already and no more stiff neck or shoulder pain.

Apparently, you need to get the proper measurement before investing in ergonomic support pillows. Me did not know that :(  Working moms, proper posture in the office is SO very essential. We neglect it and continue at the work stations non-stop until work is done. We only realise it when extreme pain strikes! Then, its diagnosis, rehabilitation and management. That is what I am into now, in order to make work and time with the children manageable. So far, so good.
Sunday, was even better. We had Mckers for breakfast to celebrate the childrens' birthday this month. Then off we went to get their prezzies. They wanted books so we headed to Times the Bookshop (Our loot in the next post). Even baby bought books :) Lunch was at in Marina Square. We rounded up with a Choc Truffle slice for the children to share, with candles for them both. Baby was the least interested as it was past his nap time. At about 1.45pm, we packed them into the car (together with the stroller and prezzies) and headed home. Afternoon siesta followed and off to Church we went in the evening to complete the weekend. Tired as we were, both the husband and I agreed that it was worth attempting this again..... but not so soon. Ha!

Thanks for stopping by.....

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